How to Systemd
You can run your validator as a systemd process so that it will automatically restart on server reboots or crashes (and helps to avoid getting slashed).
Before following this guide you should have already set up your validator by following the How to validate article.
First create a new unit file called polkadot-validator.service
in /etc/systemd/system/
touch /etc/systemd/system/polkadot-validator.service
In this unit file you will write the commands that you want to run on server boot / restart.
Description=Polkadot Validator
It is recommended to delay the restart of a node with RestartSec
in the case of node crashes. It's
possible that when a node crashes, consensus votes in GRANDPA aren't persisted to disk. In this
case, there is potential to equivocate when immediately restarting. What can happen is the node will
not recognize votes that didn't make it to disk, and will then cast conflicting votes. Delaying the
restart will allow the network to progress past potentially conflicting votes, at which point other
nodes will not accept them.
To enable this to autostart on bootup run:
systemctl enable polkadot-validator.service
Start it manually with:
systemctl start polkadot-validator.service
You can check that it's working with:
systemctl status polkadot-validator.service
You can tail the logs with journalctl
like so:
journalctl -f -u polkadot-validator